Our Mission


To offer people the meditative tools to recognize the nature of their minds and achieve their highest potential for the benefit of all.


Vajrapani Institute for Wisdom Culture supports the transformation of spiritual teachings into experience through contemplative retreat. As a spiritual community serving the needs of retreaters in all traditions, we are nurtured by the energy of our Tibetan Buddhist founder Lama Thubten Yeshe and our spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche, by our teachers and holy objects, and by the stillness of the California redwood forest.


Wisdom – where mind awakens

Harmony– where joy flows

Loving-Hearted– where kindness is

Spaciousness– where all expands

Clarity– where vision is present

Trust– where friends share

Diversity– where all aspects of people are respected.


Vajrapani Institute for Wisdom Culture is affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition and is dedicated to preserving Lama Tsong Khapa’s rich living tradition of wisdom and compassion.

Upcoming Retreats

Green Tara Retreat

Yangsi Rinpoche

February 12 - 16, 2025
About the Retreat Meditating on Green Tara is a very powerful way to identify and connect with our own inner potential for wisdom and compassion. As the embodiment of all the Buddha’s actions in the female aspect, she has a special power to remove inner and outer obstacles, dispel our fears, and grant us success in whatever we pray for. This beneficial retreat will include plenty of time for practice, teachings, and questions.   We are overjoyed to welcome back the phenomenal Yangsi Rinpoche, who has graciously agreed to return to Vajrapani and lead a retreat on Green Tara. Rinpoche is known for his…

Vajrayogini Self Initiation

Venerable Angie Muir and Elaine Jackson

February 22, 2025
Vajrayogini Self Initiation - In the Main Gompa and Online   When: February 22, 2025- 1:00pm - 5:00pm (PT) Where: Venerable Angie Muir and Elaine Jackson will lead the Vajrayogini Self Initiation in person in the gompa or online via Zoom. If joining online,  feel free to make offerings on your personal alter. Please email the office at office@vajrapani.org to let us know if you will be coming in person.   Prerequisites: This practice is restricted to those who have completed a Vajrayogini approximation retreat with fire puja.   We will be using the text, The Intermediate Practices of Vajrayogini,…

Our Blog

  • Spring has officially arrived and with it a sense of renewal, a spark of hope. Trees are leafing and blossoming. So many wildflowers dot the hillsides. Bees are buzzing and early morning birds chatter like townsfolk exclaiming the beauty of this valley.  Living a quiet......

Vajrapani Institute is affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition www.FPMT.org