Annual Report 2018
We are filled with deep gratitude for the immense impact 2018 brought.
We are filled with deep gratitude for the immense impact 2018 brought.
“I love Vajrapani! I love how supported I feel by the staff, the space, the nature. May you all be free of suffering, safe and at ease.” Michael M
We also held Youth Programs as well as our free annual celebration day known as Big Love Day
Not only has this helped to create a more stable power system for the center, it’s helping to reduce our use of fossil fuels!
With one step at a time our Prayer Wheel is unfolding into a magical gem at the heart of the center.
We are deeply inspired by all of those who have given towards this project and who will continue to give. Maybe the next time you visit you will be able to spin the wheel yourself!
The precious stewards of the land and this sacred space. These unique individuals cultivate the heart energy of the center. Dedicating their lives for the time they are here to nurturing all who come and serving Vajrapani’s greater mission.
“Without retreat, we cannot see into the depths of who we are, and who we are not. I am eternally grateful for this space – I will be back soon!” Nina T.
“Something deeply healing happens when I am able to slow down and connect with the elements of nature and the sanity of mind. I feel grateful to take this healthiness back into the world for others.” Jenny H.
“Deeply peaceful. grounding, and restorative. Stepping away from the hecticness of daily life into something deeper.” Cheryl C.
“This retreat was profoundly impactful for me .. I can hardly wait to come back!” Susan J.
The Executive Director is responsible for managing and supervising the finances of Vajrapani Institute, as directed by its Board of Directors.
Capital Improvements
During 2018, Vajrapani Institute invested significantly in property and equipment improvements, including upgrading the center’s electrical system and other utilities ($446,193), continued planning and commencement of building the Prayer Wheel ($108,553), and land improvements and storm repairs ($78,650).
Net Assets With Donor Restrictions
Net Assets with donor restrictions at December 31, 2018 consist of donor restricted funds for the Prayer Wheel Project ($151,582) and the Wisdom Culture Legacy Fund ($43,155).
Support, Revenue, and Expenses
Vajrapani Institute receives revenue and support primarily through donor contributions and retreat revenue. Retreat revenue consists of FPMT retreats, individual private retreats, and group facility rentals. For the year ended December 31, 2018, total revenue and support was $1,520,128, consisting of retreat revenue of $487,454, donor contributions of $992,380, and other support of $40,294. For the year ended December 31, 2018, total operating expenses were $799,249, other expenses and unrealized losses, net were $115,056, resulting in an increase in net assets of $605,823.
Vajrapani Institute is affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition