Upcoming Retreats

  • Camping – $657.00
  • RV/Camper Van – $657.00
  • Women's Dorm – $774.00
  • Men's Dorm – $774.00
  • Women's Quad – $993.00
  • Men's Quad – $993.00
  • Private Room- Twin Bed – $1,269.00
  • Private Room- Double bed – $1,269.00
  • Private Cabin #1 - "Vajrapani" – $1,404.00
  • Private Cabin #2 - "Chenrezig" – $1,404.00
  • Private Cabin #3 - "Vajrayogini" – $1,404.00
  • Private Cabin #4 - "Chakrasamvara" – $1,404.00
  • Private Cabin #5 - "Tara" – $1,404.00
  • Private Cabin #6 - "Yamantaka" – $1,404.00

Nyung Nae Retreat

Venerable Charles

July 5 - 14, 2024

A “Not To Be Missed” Nyung Nae Retreat with Venerable Charles!

“Nyung naes take such a short time, but brings strong purification. So many eons can be purified in this life; it makes it so easy to have attainments.” – Kyabjé Lama Zopa Rinpoche


Venerable Charles leads Nyung Nae retreats around the world, including 108 Nyung Naes annually in France.  We are humbled and honored to have Venerable Charles to lead this precious Nyung Nae retreat, our first since reopening after the pandemic.


If you have a wish to purify yourself quickly to develop your heart and mind to benefit all benefit to all beings, Nyung Nae is the answer. This devotional and intensive practice involves visualizing Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion, reciting prayers and mantras, and performing prostrations.  Each session lasts approximately 3 to 4 hours. Day 2 also involves refraining from eating and drinking as well as observing silence.


The full retreat will complete 4 full Nyung Naes with each Nyung Nae lasting approximately 2.5 days.


The Nyung Nae during Chokhor Duchen on July 10th will be especially potent as we celebrate the Anniversary of the Buddha’s Turning the Wheel of Dharma. For Buddhists, this is one of the most sacred days of the year when karmic effects are naturally multiplied millions of times, so meditation and purification practice are strongly encouraged and celebrated!


We hope you are able to take advantage of this unique opportunity here in the States to attend all or part of this special retreat blessed with Venerable Charles’ profound experience in the practice.


Student Level

To engage in this practice, it is best to have taken the Refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and if possible, to have received an initiation (tib. wang) of the Action Tantra. However, it is also possible to attend if you have generated a level of faith and conviction in the Buddha and his teachings.

If you have never done Nyung Nae before it is preferable to attend the very first Nyung Nae offered here so you receive an explanation of the practice on the first evening of the retreat but it is not required. Venerable Charles will be answering questions on the non-silent days during each Nyung Nae. 



July 5 – Check in day, introduction and orientation — suggested but not required for those doing NN for the first time.

July 6-7 – NN #1 — Leaving after breakfast on the 8th

July 8-9 – NN #2

July 10-11 – NN #3 (During Chokhor Duchen, where karmic effects are multiplied millions of times!)

July 12-13 – NN #4

July 14 – final morning session for NN #4, breakfast, and check out



Can I Only Attend Part of the Retreat?

It is possible to sign up for only 1, 2, or 3 Nyung Naes instead of the full four.  To do this please email office@vajrapani.org to coordinate the shortened registration and pricing.   Please specify, from the schedule above which rounds of NN you would like to attend, and lodging preferences (private room, quad, dorm).


Note that each NN consists of two full days + a morning practice.  Check in is between 3-5pm the day before the first full day of the NN.  That means if someone wanted to attend the 2nd round of NN, on July 8 & 9, then they check in between 3-5pm on July 7th, and leave after breakfast on July 10th.


Also please note that the cost is per night, so the more NN you stay for, the more affordable the retreat becomes!




Venerable Charles
After being a resident at VajraYogini Institute, Venerable Charles was ordained in 1989. Then he spent many years in solitary retreat in the Pyrenees and in California. He has been guiding every year the 108 Nyoung-Nés retreats for several years now. He is a fully ordained monk guiding Nyoung Naes 9 months a year and doing solitary retreat the rest of the year.
Learn more about Venerable Charles