Upcoming Retreats

  • $80.00 – Suggested Donation - cost is $10 per class, so $80 for all 8 classes
  • $160.00 – Pay it Forward - donate for yourself and sponsor another student
  • Donate What You Can

Online Book Club – Vol 2: The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Venerable Gyalten Chimé

October 25 - December 13, 2023


On Zoom
Every Wednesday for 8 weeks (Oct 25 to Dec 13)
6:30 – 8:30pm Pacific Time



This weekly online book gathering will feature facilitated conversation, discussion and meditation sessions with Buddhist monastic Venerable Chimé.

The text we will explore over the course of these 8 weekly Zoom gatherings is Wisdom Publications’ The Foundation of Buddhist Practice by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Venerable Thubten Chödrön.  This is the second volume in the Dalai Lama’s definitive and comprehensive series on the stages of the Buddhist path, The Library of Wisdom and Compassion.

The Foundation of Buddhist Practice describes the important teachings that will help us establish a flourishing Dharma practice.
Traditional presentations of the path in Tibetan Buddhism assume the audience already has faith in the Buddha and believes in rebirth and karma, but the Dalai Lama realized early on that a different approach was needed for his Western and contemporary Asian students. Starting with the four seals and the two truths, His Holiness illuminates key Buddhist ideas, such as dependent arising, emptiness, and karma, to support the reader in engaging with this rich tradition. This second volume in the Library of Wisdom and Compassion series provides a wealth of reflections on the relationship between a spiritual mentor and student, how to begin a meditation practice, and the relationship between the body and mind.
you may alternatively opt to purchase an electronic version online. Please make sure to obtain your own copy of the book in your preferred format before the group starts.

About Course Fees 

The collected donation fees include the general operating costs to put on such programs.  Retreat registrations help support the center to keep everything operating, allowing us to invite so many precious teachers, and to hold this precious space of 70+ acres of secluded redwood forest to allow guests to have the quiet, contemplative space to continue spiritual growth.  


Financial Aid/ Scholarships

We want to make the Dharma available to everyone, so no one will be turned away from this wonderful online course.  Simply use the “Pay What You Can” option to sign up for free – offering your time and practice to make this book’s material valuable to to the world.  Addtionally, on registration you will find other options, if one would like to “Pay it Forward” to help sponsor others who may not be able to cover the usual operating costs for these programs.


Teacher’s Offerings

Traditionally, spiritual teachings are considered priceless.  Vajrapani will make an offering to the teacher at the end of the course, and we will share the teacher’s paypal too if others want to donate directly to the teacher.


Venerable Gyalten Chimé
Venerable Gyalten Chimé (Lisa DuPont, M.S.), is an American Buddhist monastic in the Tibetan, Gelug tradition with over 25 years of  experience in study and retreat in Tibetan Buddhism with numerous Tibetan Masters. Ven. Chimé also brings her many years of training & experience in psychology/neuroscience as a school psychologist and is a certified instructor of Emory University’s Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCT).
Learn more about Venerable Gyalten Chimé