
Elaine Jackson

Elaine Jackson is a founding member of Vajrapani Institute and has been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since 1977. She has studied with many of the greatest Buddhist teachers of our time including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Thubten Yeshe, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche and many others too numerous to list. Elaine is known for the warmth and humor with which she teaches. In particular, she loves sharing the wealth of practical insights she has gained from her years of retreat and service within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Elaine served as Executive Director of Vajrapani Institute for over five years and has also completed a three-year meditation retreat. She lives a contemplative life off-the-grid in the Santa Cruz mountains while offering Dharma teachings and meditation support.

Testimonials about Elaine:
“Elaine’s teachings touched me deeply. She embodies the spirit of the teachings.” (Andrea – New Years Retreat 2018)
“Elaine has changed the trajectory of my life.” (Jamie – New Years Retreat 2018)

Events with Elaine Jackson

Experiential Vajrayogini Retreat
October 24 - 27, 2024

Join us for an experiential Vajrayogini Retreat with FPMT Teacher Elaine Jackson at Vajrapani Institute.   Elaine has said, “How wonderful that we will meet again to explore our relationship with Vajrayogini. I will share my approach to the practice and happily discuss ways to enliven it, soliciting your experiences as well.”   “I have seen over many years of practice that there is an alchemy, a gradual change, that manifests when I embrace the practice from a felt sense and try to bring that sense into my everyday life. This comes, not solely from  the sadhana, but from embracing…

New Year's Vajrasattva Retreat
December 28, 2024 - January 1, 2025

Join us for our popular New Years Vajrasattva Retreat with Elaine Jackson where we will practice Tibetan Buddhist purification to release old patterns and obstacles and welcome new insights through experiential meditation.   About the Retreat The path to enlightenment is a gradual, proven process whereby one’s mind is transformed to abide in never-ending contentment. In Tibetan Buddhism, this is called wisdom – a deep knowing of reality, as it is, through direct perception. Most of us operate from profound ignorance, a solid misknowing. This ignorance – that happiness and unhappiness come from somewhere “out there” – blocks us from…