2019 Annual Report

Annual Report 2019

Caring for the heartbeat of the organization

A year filled with so much growth, community support, and abundance

“I have warmth in my heart and a smile on my face, 2019 was another year to rejoice in.”

2019 was a very powerful and illuminating year for Vajrapani as an organization


We prioritized streamlining our processes, taking care of our planet, and creating a culture of collaboration. We rejoice in all of these highlights and so much more!

Prayer Wheel Update

We are so grateful to all who have helped and donated so far to help make this magnificent work of art and auspicious holy object come to life!

2019 By the Numbers

When we add up all our practice together, it’s amazing to see how our impact grows.

55 Children and Young Adults learned about Buddhism

Our Wise Heart Youth Programs continue to be a great success in bringing Dharma to younger generations!

29 Group Retreats were hosted

These retreats covered mindfulness, mind training, compassion cultivation, concentration, stages of the path to enlightenment, nature of mind, cultivating emotional balance, Buddhist tantra, and Mahamudra.

926 people nights in our private cabins

This is the equivalent of 132 individuals doing a week-long private retreat.

292 days of meditation

Practitioners in our group and private retreats help to imbue this land with their dedicated practice.

106,320 hours in nature

We helped many beings experience 106,320 hours in the beautiful redwood forest.


Here are some of the many special beings who helped serve the center and make the magic happen in 2019. With deepest bows to you!

What you Shared:

No one captures the impact Vajrapani has better than those who come here on retreat!

“Something deeply healing happens when I am able to slow down and connect with the elements of nature and the sanity of mind. I feel grateful to take this healthiness back into the world for others.”Jenny H. Sharing from experience in Private Retreat


“Vajrapani is my happy place. It grounds me, inspires me, and I always learn new tools that help me to be a better human.” Mario C. sharing from experience on Cultivating Emotional Balance retreat


“One of the most transformative and meaningful experiences of my adult life!”Rebecca O. sharing from experience on New Year Vajrasattva Purification retreat


“Gratitude does not begin to express how I feel after spending a week on solo retreat here. More like ‘awe’. Everywhere I looked, every detail, from the cabin arrangement to meal delivery service, I saw signs of love and support for my practice. Not a thing overlooked anything.” Alex sharing from experience on Private Retreat


“Deeply peaceful. grounding, and restorative. Stepping away from the hecticness of daily life into something deeper.” Laura L. sharing from experience on Private Retreat


“You (Vajrapani) have the spirit of Lama.” Adele H. in response to a monthly Vajrapani newsletter


The Executive Director is responsible for managing and supervising the finances of Vajrapani Institute, as directed by its Board of Directors.


Capital Improvements

During 2019, Vajrapani Institute invested $72,670 in building, infrastructure, and land improvements and $142,083 in the continuation of the Prayer Wheel project.


Net Assets

Board Designated Net Assets at December 31, 2019 consist of an operating reserve fund ($220,627) and general funds designated for the Prayer Wheel Project ($261,105). Net Assets with donor restrictions at December 31, 2019 consist of donor restricted funds for the Wisdom Culture Legacy Fund ($50,363).


Support, Revenue, and Expenses

Vajrapani Institute receives revenue and support primarily through donor contributions and retreat revenue. Retreat revenue consists of FPMT retreats, individual private retreats, and group facility rentals. For the year ended December 31, 2019, total revenue and support was $1,287,569, consisting of retreat revenue of $522,957, donor contributions of $724,176, and other support of $40,436.

For the year ended December 31, 2019, total operating expenses were $672,525, other expenses, net were $92,889, resulting in an increase in net assets of $522,155.

Vajrapani Institute is affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition www.FPMT.org