Upcoming Retreats

  • Women's Dorm – $485.00
  • Men's Dorm – $485.00
  • Women's Quad – $669.00
  • Men's Quad – $669.00
  • Private Room- Twin Bed – $855.00
  • Private Room- Double bed – $855.00
  • Private Cabin #1 - "Vajrapani" – $1,040.00
  • Private Cabin #2 - "Chenrezig" – $1,040.00
  • Private Cabin #3 - "Vajrayogini" – $1,040.00
  • Private Cabin #4 - "Chakrasamvara" – $1,040.00
  • Private Cabin #5 - "Tara" – $1,040.00
  • Private Cabin #6 - "Yamantaka" – $1,040.00

Note: For information on subsidized fees, see bottom of page.

New Year’s Vajrasattva Retreat

Elaine Jackson

December 28, 2024 - January 1, 2025

Join us for our popular New Year’s Vajrasattva Retreat with Elaine Jackson where we will practice Tibetan Buddhist purification to release old patterns and obstacles and welcome new insights through experiential meditation.


About the Retreat

The path to enlightenment is a gradual, proven process whereby one’s mind is transformed to abide in never-ending contentment. In Tibetan Buddhism, this is called wisdom – a deep knowing of reality, as it is, through direct perception. Most of us operate from profound ignorance, a solid misknowing. This ignorance – that happiness and unhappiness come from somewhere “out there” – blocks us from seeing our clear light mind.


The Vajrasattva practice purifies our mind from grasping so strongly onto a mistaken view. Using time-tested visualization and meditation, deluded states – pain, sorrow, hatred, pride, jealousy, doubt – lose their power. Our mind is purified. We then have the opportunity to realize that we ourselves have the power to transform our world into an enlightened paradise. 


Some Vajrasattva retreats emphasize mantra recitation. Instead, in this retreat we will focus on the results of Vajrasattva meditation practice and the states of mind that ensue. Weather permitting, we’ll also engage in walking meditation outside. Regardless, we’ll have time to enjoy relaxation in this beautiful redwood forest.


Registration Closes

December 23rd


Retreat Schedule

On Saturday evening, December 28th, we’ll begin with an introduction and a practice session as we explore why this powerful Vajrasattva practice actually works, and how we might use it in our daily life to grow our happiness. 


On Sunday and Monday, we will have several practice sessions, meet in discussion groups, and have time to meditate and reflect on the practice and this year’s challenges and triumphs in a gorgeous redwood setting. 


On Tuesday, we’ll have several sessions throughout the day. Our New Year’s Eve session will begin at 7:00 pm with our beloved Lama Yeshe’s practice of Vajrasattva Tsog and will culminate in a joyful celebration with stories and music. Happily, we’ll be joined by George Galt, our dear friend and musician extraordinaire, who will lead us in song. Feel free to bring your dancing slippers. 


On Wednesday morning we’ll have a final session, set our intention for the New Year, rejoice in the good energy we have created, and dedicate that positive energy so that all our dharma wishes come true. 


Vajrapani Institute is a wonderful place to practice. It’s full of the blessings of many, many amazing masters and meditators. Just to be in this blessed place brings peace. Relaxing in this beautiful redwood forest, may you “enjoy as much as possible, without grasping,” as Lama Yeshe used to say. Join us in celebrating our good fortune to have shared time together cultivating our precious human life’s highest potential.


Who is it for?

Past experience with this practice is helpful, but not necessary. Everyone will benefit. Lama Yeshe said that just by attending a retreat with a warm heart we are already successful. The simple practice of pausing to see what is actually true in the moment works to retrain the mind. Then grace may arise as love, compassion and all the other noble qualities of our awakened humanity.


Additional Information

  • Please plan on arriving between 3:00 and 5:00 PM on the first day of the retreat
  • Please plan on departing approximately 2:00 PM on the last day of the retreat
  • There is an opportunity to review accommodation options during the registration process
  • For more detailed information, please see our FAQ



About Vajrapani Institute

Vajrapani Institute for Wisdom Culture was the first Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center in America.  Vajrapani aims to provide a friendly and conducive environment for people of all nationalities to learn, put into practice the teachings of the Buddha, and connect with other Dharma practitioners.  Located on 70 acres of secluded land within the redwood forests of the Santa Cruz mountains, Vajrapani Institute has been an immersive space for people of all backgrounds to find and deepen their spiritual practices, with the main goal of bridging the gap between the head and heart of practice.



About Retreat Fees (includes accommodation, 3 meals a day, and facility costs)

The collected registration fees include all accommodations, 3 nutritious vegetarian meals a day, and general facility/operating costs.  Retreat registrations help support the center to keep everything operating, allowing us to invite so many precious teachers, and to hold this precious space of 70+ acres of secluded redwood forest to allow guests to have the quiet, contemplative space to continue spiritual growth.


Teacher’s Offerings

Traditionally, spiritual teachings are considered priceless; remuneration of our teacher(s) is not included in the fee information detailed on this page. Instead, we invite you to consider bringing a cash donation with you to express your gratitude for the teachings. Participants get a chance to present a cash offering to the teachers on the last day of the retreat and this is supplemented by a donation from Vajrapani Institute. Please note that we don’t offer a credit card option for teacher’s fees.


Financial Aid/ Scholarships

We want to make retreat available to everyone. With this in mind, we will gladly work out a payment plan with you if needed. If more assistance is necessary, we offer several scholarships. Please note that the scholarship deadline is one month before the retreat begins.







Elaine Jackson
Elaine Jackson is a founding member of Vajrapani Institute and has been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since 1977. She has studied with many of the greatest Buddhist teachers of our time including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Thubten Yeshe, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche and many others too numerous to list. Elaine is known for the warmth and humor with which she teaches. In particular, she loves sharing the wealth of practical insights she has gained from her years of retreat and service within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Elaine served as Executive Director of Vajrapani Institute…
Learn more about Elaine Jackson